Delta Training Policies

Your Training Slot is Guaranteed

For as long as you want it. Once you are in the Delta Athletics training family, you are guaranteed a training slot for as long as you keep your training active. As you LevelUp in our training program, you may switch training times, but you are always guaranteed a time to play.

Everybody Plays Every Day

Delta Athletics makes a commitment to all athletes, that they are never left "on the bench" in training. The way we make this commitment is to limit the number of training slots that we offer to any of our training times.

A Full Gym is a Happy Gym

Because we guarantee that all athletes play, we ask that all athletes who train with us make the commitment to attend as many sessions as they can. While we understand that sometimes athletes cannot attend a session, missing too many sessions will result in removal from the training program.

Monthly Billing, Cancel Anytime

Delta Athletics is a monthly training program, billed in advance for each month. Once you enroll in the training program, you will be charged on the 1st of each month until you request to cancel your enrollment. Cancellation is easy, just send a email to [email protected] with the name of the athlete.
NOTE: There is only one way to cancel your account - by sending an email to the above address. Requests made to individual coaches, emails to other delta addresses, any type of social media communication (including Facebook messages), or text messages to any Delta Athletics phone number are not valid cancellation methods, and will not be honored.
We limit the number of training slots in each program to guarantee that every athlete plays all the time. Because of this commitment, we require 20 days notice of cancellation to allow us to keep our program as full as possible.

When does my cancellation take effect?

We require 20 days notice of cancellation. If your cancellation email is received before the midnight on the 10th day of the month, your training slot will end on the last day of the month.
(Example: if we receive your cancellation email on 11:59pm on June 10th, your training slot will end June 30th)

If your cancellation email is received after midnight on the 10th day of the month, your training slot will end on the last day of the month following the cancellation request.
(Example, if we receive your cancellation email on 12:01am on June 11th, your training slot will end July 31st, you will be billed a final time on July 1st)